Ancient Healing Wisdom
As I began to learn the ways of the wisdom keepers, the Eastern Medicine philosophies and the Soul-searching depths of me, I slowly became conscious. I began to feel, see and learn alternative ways of healing, energy medicine and the medicine of real nourishment.
Read MoreShamanic Death Rites: What?
Death Rites, a popular although rarely discussed shamanic practice. Don’t panic, it is not a curse or voodoo practice to be feared, although can cause a wee bit of panic in mother-in-laws who’s biggest fear is of dying.
Read MoreAre You Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick & Tired?
If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, please call me for a consultation. I can help you live you’re healthiest, happiest life, best life. It begins with a call to set up your appointment.
Read MoreMore Than Wanting, Faith.
It’s very difficult to help someone heal when they are so convinced of their illness. Have you noticed this in yourself, perhaps recognized it in the people around you, when they are convinced of what they have, as if a proud ownership, the conviction of their sentence of illness can sometimes actually manifest it deeper…
Read MoreDistractions
Being distracted can be another full time job. If I was not distracted, how would I be focused? On what would I be focused? Great question.
Read MoreHindsight the Greatest Gift
How many times can you look back and see that some of your greatest gifts were found after a time of struggle?
Read MoreSubconscious Communication
Unfinished business has a tendency to find ways to manifest issues to bring it up in an effort to let it go.
Read MoreConflict & Chaos
Pointing out someone’s faults creates an energy that is weak and debilitating. Appreciation of our strengths and verbally acknowledging our courage enhances our energy and creates room for expansion.
Read MoreBecoming More Positive
Cortisol is a stimulant and as such it’s extremely addictive. When the stress is from brow beating a spouse or co-worker it may cause enough pleasure to become addictive.
Read MoreReminded by the Wind
I am reminded by the sound of the wind that I am safe. I am grateful…..
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