Becoming More Positive

Everyday I hear and see people who are desperately trying to be much more positive, in their lives, in relationship, at work and at school. What makes this pattern so difficult to shift? Why is it so easy to be negative?

As a healer, mentor and coach I know that a life lived with positive dialog is much more enjoyable to living with negative self talk….but why? When we are negative, say, we respond in a conversation with a negative response, eye roll or snide remark, our brain reacts. Specifically the amygdala tells our adrenals to create Cortisol, the hormone of stress and fear. Cortisol is linked to everything from fat to memory loss, it actually breaks down muscle and bone. It’s extremely important when there’s an emergency, house on fire, car accident, being chased by a man eating tiger, you get the idea. But, when it is a daily dose of Cortisol because of emotional abuse internally or externally driven, then it’s dangerous.

Cortisol is a stimulant and as such it’s extremely addictive. When the stress is from brow beating a spouse or co-worker it may cause enough pleasure to become addictive. To the abused it causes pain, fear and when repeated again and again the reaction producing the Cortisol is dangerous to the health. To the abuser the reaction causes the production of Cortisol, because of feeling threatened, fearful or stress. Did you know that negative relationships have a much higher risk of cardiac issues. Think about this whole thing for a moment. If you’re in a relationship that is unhappy and the responses are negative. The body is producing Cortisol, the hormone that can destroy muscle, what is the most important muscle? The heart. Without a healthy heart nothing functions optimally.

That said, where there is Cortisol there are no Endorphins.

Endorphins are healthy hormones that can help heal the body. Endorphins are the rush from our senses such as during or after heavy exercise, and passionate sex.

It’s my personal opinion that great sex is more fun than landing the perfect snide comeback.

Robin is the founder of Spirit of the Lotus, a healer, Shaman and medical intuitive. For more information or to book an appointment, call 860-709-3903

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