Distractions, Are They Working?

A colorful picture of the human head with spirals and swirls.

What, doesn’t feel right is a little ambiguous, hard to put your finger on, even harder to explain. But it’s there pushing and prodding us to do something, shift something or somehow to move closer to our destiny.

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Surviving On Scraps

A woman standing in the sunlight near trees.

It’s been a month of deep exploration. Who Am I?                What does, Who I Am, want?                               Who does God know I can be?                                              What does Who I Am want, when I am at Full Potential?                Can I ever be at Full Potential? It’s really been a few weeks of pure, honest…

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Why Wait for a Dark Night?

A woman standing in the sunlight near trees.

The real pain was hidden, emotional, old mixed with new. Roots that went deep and rarely if ever surfaced. They were hidden, ignored, buried and even if I’d known I wouldn’t have understood. Understanding took hindsight and a lot of work.

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Who Do You Want To Be?

A person standing on top of a hill under the stars.

If your life seems to be a revolving door of the same thing again and again, let’s get to the root, the one thing that needs to be unearthed, honored, explored, dissolved and released. There is a root cause. There’s something deep, missing and it’s trying to be healed.

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