7 Raven’s a Hawk and a Cardinal

7 Raven’s, a Hawk and a Cardinal, sounds like the start of a bad joke doesn’t it. Well as I sat deep in meditation Sunday morning, I was brought out by such a racket. All seven of the local raven’s were creating such a stir, a racket so loud that I had to get up and see what was disturbing them so much. As I watched, they appeared to be having fun, no cat in sight….. Then a beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk glided in and sat right in the middle of the 7. They continued for a moment, then all sat, quietly, looked my way, as if to say….yep, go get your binoculars, there is something to see here. I did. I spent moments in complete awe of such beautiful birds, so large, looking soft, then, a streak of red. I followed the direction it took me and saw the most brilliantly colored Cardinal, almost orange it was so bright. What a gift. I finished my meditation while watching these incredible birds.

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