Distance Healing


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Distance Healing is a way for you to get a treatment from me in the comfort of your home, or wherever you are at the moment you need treatment. I will check in before and/or after the treatment, especially if I receive a message to be given. The 10 pack is the perfect family pack, I have used one or 2 on each parent, 3 or 4 on a child and reserved those sessions not used for emergencies. However you decide how to use your treatments. Anytime anywhere, you can get healing. I offer 1 free Distance connection with follow-up per family for anyone who is not sure if distance sessions really work. The follow up will tell you if I connected, if there’s a message or issue I can see and my suggestions on how to proceed. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I treat clients around the world.
$75 per single or 10 for $595.00